jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

The Power of Word

Hi everyone:

                   This is my first note in a blog ever. I´m not to good with technology and computers, I preffer books, radio and magazines (in fact, I buy two every month, one of art: "Discover art", and the another one called "Today´s Philosophy", both are spanish publications, I recomended). But I have to write about my favorite web site. It´s a little dificult to me because I don´t use internet too much, but ther´s one spanish web site that I really like, it´s called The Power of Word, epdlp.com, is its spanish acronym. There you can find a diccionary of painters, musician, writers, poets, arquitechs and filmakers, with their own biography. Always when I want to learn about an artists or a writer, I go to this web site and I find what I need to know. Also biography, you cand find their works in a extract, photo or  audio. As example, I would like to show you a Wittgenstein´s biography, who I had been study on last weeks:  http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=2441
                 Sincerily, I don´t understand a word of his books, but I must to read his work twenty times if it´s neccesay to understand him as I want. Ludwig Wittgenstein, with Jean Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger, are the most importants philosophy of twenty century and I really intersted for their work.

                 I hope you like my favorite web site, remember: www.epdlp.com

Have a nice day,

Ernesto Lauga