jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Larrain Palace

Hi my dear classmates:

            Today I´m gonna talk about a building that I like and I choose the Larraín Palace in Santiago and It is my own house! Yes, because there rent rooms for people, but just an special kind of people, like painters, photographers, tatoo artist, musicians... The place it´s gigant and have 75 rooms divided in three diferent houses, my own room it´s bigger than a normal apartment ´cause it has 60 mts², with two balconies and a beautifull view to the west, where I try to see the sunset everyday. In a normal day sunshine came trought my windows all day long.
             The bulding was built in 1913 and for celebrate the century, in the last six months the front was restore and paint, that was until the last week, and now it looks wonderfull. People use to call the bulding like The Titanic, for it´s gigant proportions. Between 1930 and 1970 the building was the french embassy in Chile. The french neoclassic architecture was use for the old wealthy families in Chile to expose their fortunes in the begining of twenty century, like many other palaces in Santiago like Concha y Toro, Cousiño, Undurraga, etc.
                Somedays, the place it´s rent for fashion shows or as a photograph studio, and it´s funny because sometime I get into the palace and ther´s a lot of beutifull models walking around, cameras and champagne. Also I live there because it remains me Valparaíso, and I always had live in old houses with biggest rooms.

You can visit Larraín Palace wherever you want if you ask me.


jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Pollock & Rothko

Jackson Pollock
It´s not easy for me to talk about my favorite piece of art, cause I have many favorites painters. But I can write about two painters that I really like, ther´s Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko, they´re the principal painters from the absract expressionism in twenty century. Pollock was born in the USA and died in a car crash drunk, his life was really sad. Rothko born in Estonia and went to USA when he was a child with his parents and brothers, he also died in a tragical situation when he commet suicide at 61. Pollock didn´t know how to draw and one day he put the canvas on the floor (very drunk) and start to launch colors without any order or plan. Then, he become famous when an important art dealer, Peggy Guggenheim, saw his work and get impress.
Mark Rothko was an alcoholic, violent and depress artist who never trust in his work, in fact, he commet suicide afther think that he will never make some good paintings. He always paint in biggest format, and ther´s many stories that in his exhibitions people start to cry in front of his works.

Mark Rothko
I don´t really remember when I saw their paintings, maybe when I was a child... but I get impress inmediatly... you cannot see anything, ther´s only colors in a abstract, but for me it´s very emotional thing. I hope that one closer day I can see their´s pictures in front of me.