jueves, 4 de julio de 2013



Well, as Ken says, some people must to think in movement, I must to think listen music and to write, Chopin its my favorite. Ken talks about three central points: Human creativity, children´s capacity and the unknow future, and in this particular case, the education as a primacy importance to the next generation. The questios is: are we doing the right on education? Thats where creativity have an important position, I like what he said about Picasso, something like the children born been an artist, but the educationt turn this out. I like the dance girl example he gave too, i´ll never forget: move to think. My nephew, he´s seven, have some conductual problems at his school and my sister think that maybe he needs some medical helps, but, afther watch this video (i gonna send her), maybe she change her mind i wish. I think Ken its have a right point of view when he says that the industrialism, demography and tecnology turn the world change since two hundred year ago, and now we live in a constant revolution and in this point its where must to reorganice the way we educate children. Its a complicated situation, but im very interstated on his poin of view and i gonna reach more about his works.

If you need to listen music to hink as me, i send you this Chopin´s compilation.