jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

BBC News around the world

Hi dear classmates:

Today I´m going to talk about some news that I saw on the BBC website. For example, they talk about an old japanese guy who went to the Everest mountain and become in the oldest man to reach the summit. Another news says that the ETA separatiste group made some protest and the spain police arrested two separatist in Valencia, the group wants the independence of the País Vasco from the Spain´s kindom domination. Some others groups around the world use terrorism as their method to make pression on their´s demands. Also, the people from the italian island of Cerdeña protest for their independence when the primer minister, Silvio Berlusoni, visit the island in 2009. In Nepal, police arrested near 30 students activist protesting against King for political reforming. In Cuba, one of the best knows activists, told the BBC the world had a moral duty to help the cuban dissidents, afther 54 years of comunist dictature.
In the same page, you can read testimonies of people around the world who told their own experience with some kind of local activism for diferent causes.

I´ll see you later.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


My experience as a worker it´s funny. When I was a kid, my dad had a Cinema enterprise, first in Chillan when he had just one, later in Valparaiso when he was in charge of ten cinemas. I started to learn how to install the movies in the movie machines, had you even see the Cinema Paradiso movie?, well, mi childhood was similar, beautifull memories. Then, in school vacations, I work in the cinema as assistant at twelve (with my first salary I buy a microscope). Then, when a get into the University, i start to job as a waiter in a pub in Viña, just like two years, I didn´t know anything, the name of the drinks or how to manipulate a tray... a couple of times the tray felt and broke everything... in between I start to paint and with a model we make a body paint shows in Valparaíso pub´s, that was really fun. Now, I work as a waiter again in Santiago, it´s funny too and you get a lot money, but I hope the next year can work and live selling my paintings and do something with my careere, History of Art. I start to study this because when I returnt from Buenos Aires I want to do something with my life, I decide to study here. One day, a couple of moths ago, in the restaurant when I work now, went to dinner this guy (the photo one), do you know him?

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The Wall

I think that the Roger Waters concert last year in Santiago was one of my best experience of all life. He made two concert and I went both, even, the second date, it was my sister´s wedding in Viña del Mar. She call me before the concert and say: "Ernesto, what´s more important for you: Pink Floyd or your sister?", and I answer, "...emm, emm... Pink Floyd dear sister, It´s important for me, I´m sorry...", and she say: "$%&="!@¡?" and  didn´t speak to me for five months, but the concert was great! I went with my best friend Piojo and his father. When the concert start I cannot belive what I was watching out, an airplain crashing with the audience, fireworks, and loud rock music from the best band ever. Then, a wall building between the band and the audience, a gigant pig flying up the people, crude images form war, destruction and missing people from the all world (in the break time they show a President Salvador Allende´s picture on the wall and the people start to clap their hands). In the second part of the show, they playing one of the best band´s songs, Comfortably Numb, and I swear that I see a lot of people crying and singing... "there´s no pain you´re receding, a distant ship smoke on the horizon..." , even me, I confess.

Ufff, it was a woderfull concert, a great moment and I will never forget it.