jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The Wall

I think that the Roger Waters concert last year in Santiago was one of my best experience of all life. He made two concert and I went both, even, the second date, it was my sister´s wedding in Viña del Mar. She call me before the concert and say: "Ernesto, what´s more important for you: Pink Floyd or your sister?", and I answer, "...emm, emm... Pink Floyd dear sister, It´s important for me, I´m sorry...", and she say: "$%&="!@¡?" and  didn´t speak to me for five months, but the concert was great! I went with my best friend Piojo and his father. When the concert start I cannot belive what I was watching out, an airplain crashing with the audience, fireworks, and loud rock music from the best band ever. Then, a wall building between the band and the audience, a gigant pig flying up the people, crude images form war, destruction and missing people from the all world (in the break time they show a President Salvador Allende´s picture on the wall and the people start to clap their hands). In the second part of the show, they playing one of the best band´s songs, Comfortably Numb, and I swear that I see a lot of people crying and singing... "there´s no pain you´re receding, a distant ship smoke on the horizon..." , even me, I confess.

Ufff, it was a woderfull concert, a great moment and I will never forget it.

4 comentarios:

  1. I can hear a lot of people singin' the song and sayin' wow in the video. Fireworks and flyin' pig, great production. I imagine the concert was amazing!

  2. I can't believe you went to a concert exactly the day of your sister's wedding, that's a very unfortunate thing.
    I remember that the soundcheck of the fireworks and the airplane of this concert was very very loud (I live in front of the National Stadium).

  3. I went the first day. When the concert start was amazing, I was screaming like crazy because I couldn't contain the excitment. I think it was one of the best concerts that I have gone.

  4. The cruel fate puts you in a big trouble. It's sad but at the same time a bit funny XD Sorry Jeje
