viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias

Hi my new classmates:

I must to write about Fiestas Patrias, but sincerilly I HATE this f.. days. Why this strange relation between nationalism and alcohol?, millions of people drinkin as the world ends tomorrow. And I never, never! celebrate this party. Every year I try to work all this days in my job and don´t drink even a beer for the all week. I don´t watch T.V. and I try to stay at home reading a good book or just painting. Three years ago, on the Bicentenary celebration, I stay at home making a homework about italian architechture for four days, day and night. I think that the only good thing in this days is that you can walk trough an empty city, ther´s no cars and people dessapear from the streets and metro stations, it´s like a lot sundays in one week. Maybe this year I´m going to work the all week and in my free day i´ll try to walk around Santiago with a new book that I bough a few days ago, and if I can make some money, i´ll buy a bicycle. And I won´t travel to see my family in Valparaíso even, they know that I hate the 18, so they don´t really loose time invited me to celebrate with them.

I don´t know why, but the popular party that I really like ist the Holy Week, even I am agnostic. And the New Year in Valparaíso with my family, thats parties I really enjoy.

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