viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

learn to do...

HI my dear clssmates:

                   I think the only thing in the all world that I want to do it´s paint, but paint well. I paint since a lot of years, but I think its more difficult every time. When I see a Monet work I say "when, when will I paint like him", or Renoir, maybe like Van Gogh, its hard every day try to paint and cannot be satisficed with your own production. Its only perseverance, maybe one day I will be happy with my paintings. I love music, classic music, but I never want to learn to play some instrument, I knew that I could not do, but paint... I saw a Matta´s expo since one year ago in La Moneda, their biggest paints, the power of his work in a canvas, the colours, the format, the pain in their subjects... I cannot belive what I saw that day, it was like a hard hit on my brain, I will never forget it. The thing is that I want to learn every day more about paint: history, techniques, great painters, movements... everything, Its hard when you realice that there´s just one thing that you really care, the all world doesn´t matter so much, except your dream.

This is one of my works, I hope you like, its oil on canvas, in the middle ther´s a musical partitures from a Chopin composition:

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello companion! I would like to paint very good too! I paint since 8 years, but like a hobbie.
    See you next class! take care :)

  2. Hi Ernesto.
    Does your painting have a name? How big is it? Do you exhibit your work?

  3. it doesn´t have a name, when you put a name in a picture, you just limited I think. the format its 80 x 100 cms, oil on canvas, I expose a couple of times, but sincerally, I need to get better for an important exhibition.
