viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


Hi dear classmates:

as Simon, I play a lot chess too when I was kid. We lived in Chillan in the ´90 and when I was seven, I get into the chess team of my school, Seminario Padre Alberto Hurtado, it was a great school. Then I play everyday and I start to win to my partners, friends and even a computer! In november ´92, I play in a regional interschool chess contest in Concepción, all weekend, it was the first time that I travel alone, but with the team and my professor Mr. Crisostomo. The thing is that I win the contest and they gave me a medal, it´s the only medal that I won in my all life to do something.
Then I leave chess because we return to Valparaiso with my family and in the new school ther´s no chess team. Sometimes I use to play with my classmates, but nobody can win me, so I leave. A lot years later, I was 22; I meet a german guy live near from my hose and he used to play chess too, so we start to play all day long, Jan was his name. We play in a view call Paseo Gervasoni, and the tourists always take a picture of us. One day we have a party at night and we have no money, so we decide charge a thounsand for every picture that people take of us playing chess, we made twenty thounsand in all day! And we went to the party at night, happy.

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