viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


Hi my dear classmates:

 My experience as a worker it´s funny. When I was a kid, my dad had a Cinema enterprise, first in Chillan when he had just one, later in Valparaiso when he was in charge of ten cinemas. I started to learn how to install the movies in the movie machines, had you even see the Cinema Paradiso movie?, well, mi childhood was similar, beautifull memories. Then, in school vacations, I work in the cinema as assistant at twelve (with my first salary I buy a microscope). Then, when a get into the University, i start to job as a waiter in a pub in Viña, just like two years, I didn´t know anything, the name of the drinks or how to manipulate a tray... a couple of times the tray felt and broke everything... in between I start to paint and with a model we make a body paint shows in Valparaíso pub´s, that was really fun. Now, I work as a waiter again in Santiago, it´s funny too and you get a lot money, I love my job and i work in a good place with nice people too. I would like to work sometime in a library, but those silence ones where you read all day and drink coffe, there´s the perfect job if you like to read and I love read a lot, and if someone pay me for it, better yet. I would like to be a philosophy teacher too, I´m pretty good to explain difficult philosophy cuestions and maybe one day I will.

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