jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

My paint photos...

I quit my job since three months ago, I was workimg as a waiter in a very fine restaurant in Parque Arauco for three years, I love my job, but something told me that it was enough, so I quit. And now I dedicate my time for my passion, paint. I paint since I was a kid, the first things I paint was Pink Floyd´s drawings in public walls of Valparaíso, like The Wall ones or Dark Side, then I paint doors, lamposts and pillars, also paint bodies in streets carnavals and pubs, that was really funny experience, one day I paint a girl with a Piet Mondrian desing, it was so difficult and it takes me four hours to finish, other time I paint another girl in white with a japanese letters in black for all her body, it was beautifull. Now I decide dedicate to paint and try to sell my works, It´s hard but no impossible and I promise will not surrender.
Always people ask me: "who it´s your favorite painter", and I cannot answer. I like many painter for diferent reasons since Renaissance. But maybe it´s the abstract expressionism my favorite style with Ashley Gorky, Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko, this three painter died in tragical situation.
This photo was taken since two weeks ago in my place when I was painting, a friend takes this when we listen the Beethoven´s Ninth Symphony at loud, very loud. I like to paint with classic music, like Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven or Strauss, Mozart too, it´s more inspiring and relaxing.

I hope you like my photos.
Body paint


listen Beethoven

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

New slang

Arthur Schopenhauer
Yesterday I find a song... one week looking for it, I didn´t know the name or the band, I call to the Radio statiton even, but nothing, one week like an obssesion. But I found it, The Shins, New Slang, it´s call. That it´s one of the things that can change our days for a moment.
Schopenhauer say´s that
the torment of the world isn´t based on the great tragedies, but the daily absurd. One of my favorites painters is Edvard Munch, the expressionism father, he also read Schopenhauer too much. At the end of his life, he get lonely, sick and little mad. Nietzsche went crazy at 46, he says that his mentor was the old Schopenhauer too. He ied at 54 alone and lunatic in a psychiatric hospital in Germany. There´s a carved stone with a Borges poem outside the National Library in Santiago, one of the paragraph says: "Thanks I want to give God for Schopenhauer, who figure out the Universe at all". You can read it at Moneda street. More than a philosophy, his sistem it´s about how front life, with only the truth, cold and pesimist, Schopenhauer have become in one of the principal philosopher of the occidental world right now.

I hope you like the song... and try to found what´s Schopenhauer say´s about life.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Brave new world and others...

Aldous Huxley
My favoryte book (one of mines), it´s from a english writer, Aldous Huxley, and the book called Brave new World. It´s an future novel about a totalitary state who controlled the people since their born, with mental resources and drougs called "soma". It´s a metaphor of the new kind of power State in the 30 decade in Europe, specially in Germany and Italy (Huxley wrote it in Italy in 1932, only in four months). I found this book when I was a teen in a old bag of books of my dad, and I start to read inmediatly. I found another beautifull books like "Demian" of Hermann Hesse, "The Unbearable lightness of being" from Milan Kundera, "The fear of freedom" of the german psicoanalist Erich Fromm, and others. I take this four books and I read it just in one month, when you´re a seventeen yaers old, maybe it´s not a good idea. But something it´s very strange, I found and then read this four books at the same time and also their talk about the same think: freedom.

"I wanted to live what it born inside of me... but why it was so difficult?", from Demian.

You can read one of this books, anyone, and you´ll enjoy it.