jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Brave new world and others...

Aldous Huxley
My favoryte book (one of mines), it´s from a english writer, Aldous Huxley, and the book called Brave new World. It´s an future novel about a totalitary state who controlled the people since their born, with mental resources and drougs called "soma". It´s a metaphor of the new kind of power State in the 30 decade in Europe, specially in Germany and Italy (Huxley wrote it in Italy in 1932, only in four months). I found this book when I was a teen in a old bag of books of my dad, and I start to read inmediatly. I found another beautifull books like "Demian" of Hermann Hesse, "The Unbearable lightness of being" from Milan Kundera, "The fear of freedom" of the german psicoanalist Erich Fromm, and others. I take this four books and I read it just in one month, when you´re a seventeen yaers old, maybe it´s not a good idea. But something it´s very strange, I found and then read this four books at the same time and also their talk about the same think: freedom.

"I wanted to live what it born inside of me... but why it was so difficult?", from Demian.

You can read one of this books, anyone, and you´ll enjoy it.

1 comentario:

  1. I love reading Huxley too. His early books are very funny & comic (e.g. Antic Hay) and nothing like Brave New World which I also love. I've read all the novels/authors you mention apart from Fromm.
