viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

In ten more years...

                                I hope my own world will be better, I like my life just right now, maybe in ten more years I will be painting here in Santiago (I don´t like the idea to live in another country, I did it a few years ago and i didn´t like it), my library will be biggest (I try to buy one book at week, I spend a lot of money in books at month), I hope my parents still alive (they´re very young yet, today it´s my mother´s birthday), maybe i will have a young girlfriend or two would be better, I dont wanna have childrens (I really dont want to); I want to achieve paint and sell my pictures to live and live well; I hope one day make my own exhibition in a important gallery in Europe or USA; maybe the world will be the same bad place as its now with wars, angry, greed and people try to dominate other people with fear and money... I dont have TV for the same reason and in ten more years i still haven´t. Since ten years ago I made it the same question and now, looking back, i think it wasn´t so much time, I am the same person, with the same taste and expectatives, the same curiosity for art and philosophy, I have less friends than a few years, but they´re the best, some little and outside things can change, but in my own, i still the same guy. Everyone expect to have kids, a big house, money and cars; but for me the thing is different, I just want my own world with art, books and silence.

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