viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013


Hi my dear classmates:

Today I´m going to talk about a walk that I want to do again. I´m from Valparaíso and, if you know it, ther´s a lot of places to walk around, it´s a beautiful city and since I was a child, always went to walk around and try to discover new places, hills, starways, streets, houses and views. I have two stories for you today:

One day, when I was very child, maybe I was ten, in a saturday my father and i went to walk to the beach, but we walk trough the rocks, like two kms, and a couple of times we felt and crush with the rocks, it was Winter so it start to rain even. When my mom knew she fight with my dad, she get pretty angry.

Last week I meet a beautiful girl in Valparaíso, afther a party, 5 am... we start to talk and she gave me her fone number, sunday i call and I invited her to walk around. So, we meet in a place at 4, then we went to cerro Alegre to walk, we talk and talk, and in a place I saw a friend from Santiago, Michael,  he was with other friends smoking something funny in a view and laugh a lot, and he had a camera and I ask him if can take a picture of me and the beautiful girl, he made it and this is the picture. Then we say goodbye to my funny friend and we went to Vinilo Bar for an ice cream and natural juice, spent a lot of time talking and laugh. The bad thing is she will travel to Cuba today for one month, so I will stay here waiting for her come back and try to see her again. Plop!

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