viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Summer time

Hi my dear classmates:

Summer time: well, I really won´t do nothing special this summer, just go a couple of times to the beach in Con Con. Every sathurday of january, in Viña del Mar, ther´s a concerts of classic music in Quinta Vergara and I will try to go, I hope they play some extraordinary simphony. This is the perfect time to save money, and I will, beacuse I wanna travel to Spain next year in July (their summer time), I want to go to the San Fermín Festival in Pamplona, where the bulls run free over the streets and ther´s a thounsand stupid guys (like me) running away faster as they can trying to save their lives,
 I really wanna doit.
I will try to paint the most I can, i will have a lot of free time and I have so much ideas to translate into a canvas.
I must to work a lot in my job too, the summer it´s the better time in the restaurant, everyday full, ther´s a los of people and you can make so much money and save it, it´s important to do.
Maybe i will spend time with my friends, ther´s a lot of people that i haven´t see since so much time ago... and this is the perfect time to doit.

Have a good weekend.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


Hi dear classmates:

as Simon, I play a lot chess too when I was kid. We lived in Chillan in the ´90 and when I was seven, I get into the chess team of my school, Seminario Padre Alberto Hurtado, it was a great school. Then I play everyday and I start to win to my partners, friends and even a computer! In november ´92, I play in a regional interschool chess contest in Concepción, all weekend, it was the first time that I travel alone, but with the team and my professor Mr. Crisostomo. The thing is that I win the contest and they gave me a medal, it´s the only medal that I won in my all life to do something.
Then I leave chess because we return to Valparaiso with my family and in the new school ther´s no chess team. Sometimes I use to play with my classmates, but nobody can win me, so I leave. A lot years later, I was 22; I meet a german guy live near from my hose and he used to play chess too, so we start to play all day long, Jan was his name. We play in a view call Paseo Gervasoni, and the tourists always take a picture of us. One day we have a party at night and we have no money, so we decide charge a thounsand for every picture that people take of us playing chess, we made twenty thounsand in all day! And we went to the party at night, happy.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


Hi my dear classmates:

 My experience as a worker it´s funny. When I was a kid, my dad had a Cinema enterprise, first in Chillan when he had just one, later in Valparaiso when he was in charge of ten cinemas. I started to learn how to install the movies in the movie machines, had you even see the Cinema Paradiso movie?, well, mi childhood was similar, beautifull memories. Then, in school vacations, I work in the cinema as assistant at twelve (with my first salary I buy a microscope). Then, when a get into the University, i start to job as a waiter in a pub in Viña, just like two years, I didn´t know anything, the name of the drinks or how to manipulate a tray... a couple of times the tray felt and broke everything... in between I start to paint and with a model we make a body paint shows in Valparaíso pub´s, that was really fun. Now, I work as a waiter again in Santiago, it´s funny too and you get a lot money, I love my job and i work in a good place with nice people too. I would like to work sometime in a library, but those silence ones where you read all day and drink coffe, there´s the perfect job if you like to read and I love read a lot, and if someone pay me for it, better yet. I would like to be a philosophy teacher too, I´m pretty good to explain difficult philosophy cuestions and maybe one day I will.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013


Hi my dear classmates:

Today I´m going to talk about a walk that I want to do again. I´m from Valparaíso and, if you know it, ther´s a lot of places to walk around, it´s a beautiful city and since I was a child, always went to walk around and try to discover new places, hills, starways, streets, houses and views. I have two stories for you today:

One day, when I was very child, maybe I was ten, in a saturday my father and i went to walk to the beach, but we walk trough the rocks, like two kms, and a couple of times we felt and crush with the rocks, it was Winter so it start to rain even. When my mom knew she fight with my dad, she get pretty angry.

Last week I meet a beautiful girl in Valparaíso, afther a party, 5 am... we start to talk and she gave me her fone number, sunday i call and I invited her to walk around. So, we meet in a place at 4, then we went to cerro Alegre to walk, we talk and talk, and in a place I saw a friend from Santiago, Michael,  he was with other friends smoking something funny in a view and laugh a lot, and he had a camera and I ask him if can take a picture of me and the beautiful girl, he made it and this is the picture. Then we say goodbye to my funny friend and we went to Vinilo Bar for an ice cream and natural juice, spent a lot of time talking and laugh. The bad thing is she will travel to Cuba today for one month, so I will stay here waiting for her come back and try to see her again. Plop!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

In ten more years...

                                I hope my own world will be better, I like my life just right now, maybe in ten more years I will be painting here in Santiago (I don´t like the idea to live in another country, I did it a few years ago and i didn´t like it), my library will be biggest (I try to buy one book at week, I spend a lot of money in books at month), I hope my parents still alive (they´re very young yet, today it´s my mother´s birthday), maybe i will have a young girlfriend or two would be better, I dont wanna have childrens (I really dont want to); I want to achieve paint and sell my pictures to live and live well; I hope one day make my own exhibition in a important gallery in Europe or USA; maybe the world will be the same bad place as its now with wars, angry, greed and people try to dominate other people with fear and money... I dont have TV for the same reason and in ten more years i still haven´t. Since ten years ago I made it the same question and now, looking back, i think it wasn´t so much time, I am the same person, with the same taste and expectatives, the same curiosity for art and philosophy, I have less friends than a few years, but they´re the best, some little and outside things can change, but in my own, i still the same guy. Everyone expect to have kids, a big house, money and cars; but for me the thing is different, I just want my own world with art, books and silence.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

That night with my ex girfriend went to a bar in Brasil Avenue, here in Santiago. We start to drink beer for long, long time. Spend like four hours in different bars, and then, as always happent, she start to fight with me I don´t remember why, she told me a few nice words and leave the bar, I went to my house very drunk, near from Brasil Avenue, and went to bed. Then, an hour later, she came again to my home. I was in my bed and she start to scream and fight again, I didn´t pay attention and she get angry more and more, she scream and fight... nice, like twenty minutes... then, everything start to move and she say "a tremor", and I say "yeah, it´s a tremor, every week ther´s a tremor in Valparaíso, I´m used to that". And became more strong, she start to scream and run down stairs to the Street (I was just with my underwear), then outside, the most biggest earthquake in my all life (the only one), I hold to Daniela and she start to cry and we see the buldings move live butter, the streets sound like loud heavy metal, people screaming and pray, cars with the alarms, and you cannot see anything cause the dust. Silence. Daniela went to her home in a taxi, and I was in the middle of the street only in underwear and drunk, beautifull.

My family was in Valparaíso, but one on my nephew (Martin, six years that time) was in Iloca with his dad (the worst thing that could happent). My sister was in shock, cause it was the first time that Martin leave the house for few days and went to visit his father to another city. She cry for hours because she cannot know about Martin, but later he call and say that everything was alright and didn´t cry with the earthquake. Everyone in my family was alright, but the thing it´s that no one call me, just my dad calls me a few days later and he said: "how are you", "I´m alive, thanks for call", that was funny.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

A special meal

Hi my dear classmates:

I remember when I live with my family in a beautifull house in cerro Concepcion in Valparaiso. We had a great garden and in the summer we lunch there and always had friends invited to eat with us. One day, i remember, my parents was celebrating them wedding anniversary, december 21; and we invited to their most closer friends. They had a great conversations, painters and writers was invited, with a lot of red wine, a great meal and some funny things to smoke... and I had a great surprise to them: in the middle of the night, a sound of a violin starts with a Mozart composition from outside, it was a friend of mine and get into the garden playing his violin and everyone applaud and laugh. Then, my parents ask my friend to play anothers composition of tango and classic music. Later some years, my violinst friend become to hare krishna and now he lives in a community i don´t know where, but i think he´s happy. My parents still married with 37 years together, three childrens (my two sisters and me), and two grandsons, Martin and Nicanor, my sisters get married and I still single, ja!