viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Summer time

Hi my dear classmates:

Summer time: well, I really won´t do nothing special this summer, just go a couple of times to the beach in Con Con. Every sathurday of january, in Viña del Mar, ther´s a concerts of classic music in Quinta Vergara and I will try to go, I hope they play some extraordinary simphony. This is the perfect time to save money, and I will, beacuse I wanna travel to Spain next year in July (their summer time), I want to go to the San Fermín Festival in Pamplona, where the bulls run free over the streets and ther´s a thounsand stupid guys (like me) running away faster as they can trying to save their lives,
 I really wanna doit.
I will try to paint the most I can, i will have a lot of free time and I have so much ideas to translate into a canvas.
I must to work a lot in my job too, the summer it´s the better time in the restaurant, everyday full, ther´s a los of people and you can make so much money and save it, it´s important to do.
Maybe i will spend time with my friends, ther´s a lot of people that i haven´t see since so much time ago... and this is the perfect time to doit.

Have a good weekend.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


Hi dear classmates:

as Simon, I play a lot chess too when I was kid. We lived in Chillan in the ´90 and when I was seven, I get into the chess team of my school, Seminario Padre Alberto Hurtado, it was a great school. Then I play everyday and I start to win to my partners, friends and even a computer! In november ´92, I play in a regional interschool chess contest in Concepción, all weekend, it was the first time that I travel alone, but with the team and my professor Mr. Crisostomo. The thing is that I win the contest and they gave me a medal, it´s the only medal that I won in my all life to do something.
Then I leave chess because we return to Valparaiso with my family and in the new school ther´s no chess team. Sometimes I use to play with my classmates, but nobody can win me, so I leave. A lot years later, I was 22; I meet a german guy live near from my hose and he used to play chess too, so we start to play all day long, Jan was his name. We play in a view call Paseo Gervasoni, and the tourists always take a picture of us. One day we have a party at night and we have no money, so we decide charge a thounsand for every picture that people take of us playing chess, we made twenty thounsand in all day! And we went to the party at night, happy.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


Hi my dear classmates:

 My experience as a worker it´s funny. When I was a kid, my dad had a Cinema enterprise, first in Chillan when he had just one, later in Valparaiso when he was in charge of ten cinemas. I started to learn how to install the movies in the movie machines, had you even see the Cinema Paradiso movie?, well, mi childhood was similar, beautifull memories. Then, in school vacations, I work in the cinema as assistant at twelve (with my first salary I buy a microscope). Then, when a get into the University, i start to job as a waiter in a pub in Viña, just like two years, I didn´t know anything, the name of the drinks or how to manipulate a tray... a couple of times the tray felt and broke everything... in between I start to paint and with a model we make a body paint shows in Valparaíso pub´s, that was really fun. Now, I work as a waiter again in Santiago, it´s funny too and you get a lot money, I love my job and i work in a good place with nice people too. I would like to work sometime in a library, but those silence ones where you read all day and drink coffe, there´s the perfect job if you like to read and I love read a lot, and if someone pay me for it, better yet. I would like to be a philosophy teacher too, I´m pretty good to explain difficult philosophy cuestions and maybe one day I will.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013


Hi my dear classmates:

Today I´m going to talk about a walk that I want to do again. I´m from Valparaíso and, if you know it, ther´s a lot of places to walk around, it´s a beautiful city and since I was a child, always went to walk around and try to discover new places, hills, starways, streets, houses and views. I have two stories for you today:

One day, when I was very child, maybe I was ten, in a saturday my father and i went to walk to the beach, but we walk trough the rocks, like two kms, and a couple of times we felt and crush with the rocks, it was Winter so it start to rain even. When my mom knew she fight with my dad, she get pretty angry.

Last week I meet a beautiful girl in Valparaíso, afther a party, 5 am... we start to talk and she gave me her fone number, sunday i call and I invited her to walk around. So, we meet in a place at 4, then we went to cerro Alegre to walk, we talk and talk, and in a place I saw a friend from Santiago, Michael,  he was with other friends smoking something funny in a view and laugh a lot, and he had a camera and I ask him if can take a picture of me and the beautiful girl, he made it and this is the picture. Then we say goodbye to my funny friend and we went to Vinilo Bar for an ice cream and natural juice, spent a lot of time talking and laugh. The bad thing is she will travel to Cuba today for one month, so I will stay here waiting for her come back and try to see her again. Plop!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

In ten more years...

                                I hope my own world will be better, I like my life just right now, maybe in ten more years I will be painting here in Santiago (I don´t like the idea to live in another country, I did it a few years ago and i didn´t like it), my library will be biggest (I try to buy one book at week, I spend a lot of money in books at month), I hope my parents still alive (they´re very young yet, today it´s my mother´s birthday), maybe i will have a young girlfriend or two would be better, I dont wanna have childrens (I really dont want to); I want to achieve paint and sell my pictures to live and live well; I hope one day make my own exhibition in a important gallery in Europe or USA; maybe the world will be the same bad place as its now with wars, angry, greed and people try to dominate other people with fear and money... I dont have TV for the same reason and in ten more years i still haven´t. Since ten years ago I made it the same question and now, looking back, i think it wasn´t so much time, I am the same person, with the same taste and expectatives, the same curiosity for art and philosophy, I have less friends than a few years, but they´re the best, some little and outside things can change, but in my own, i still the same guy. Everyone expect to have kids, a big house, money and cars; but for me the thing is different, I just want my own world with art, books and silence.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

That night with my ex girfriend went to a bar in Brasil Avenue, here in Santiago. We start to drink beer for long, long time. Spend like four hours in different bars, and then, as always happent, she start to fight with me I don´t remember why, she told me a few nice words and leave the bar, I went to my house very drunk, near from Brasil Avenue, and went to bed. Then, an hour later, she came again to my home. I was in my bed and she start to scream and fight again, I didn´t pay attention and she get angry more and more, she scream and fight... nice, like twenty minutes... then, everything start to move and she say "a tremor", and I say "yeah, it´s a tremor, every week ther´s a tremor in Valparaíso, I´m used to that". And became more strong, she start to scream and run down stairs to the Street (I was just with my underwear), then outside, the most biggest earthquake in my all life (the only one), I hold to Daniela and she start to cry and we see the buldings move live butter, the streets sound like loud heavy metal, people screaming and pray, cars with the alarms, and you cannot see anything cause the dust. Silence. Daniela went to her home in a taxi, and I was in the middle of the street only in underwear and drunk, beautifull.

My family was in Valparaíso, but one on my nephew (Martin, six years that time) was in Iloca with his dad (the worst thing that could happent). My sister was in shock, cause it was the first time that Martin leave the house for few days and went to visit his father to another city. She cry for hours because she cannot know about Martin, but later he call and say that everything was alright and didn´t cry with the earthquake. Everyone in my family was alright, but the thing it´s that no one call me, just my dad calls me a few days later and he said: "how are you", "I´m alive, thanks for call", that was funny.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

A special meal

Hi my dear classmates:

I remember when I live with my family in a beautifull house in cerro Concepcion in Valparaiso. We had a great garden and in the summer we lunch there and always had friends invited to eat with us. One day, i remember, my parents was celebrating them wedding anniversary, december 21; and we invited to their most closer friends. They had a great conversations, painters and writers was invited, with a lot of red wine, a great meal and some funny things to smoke... and I had a great surprise to them: in the middle of the night, a sound of a violin starts with a Mozart composition from outside, it was a friend of mine and get into the garden playing his violin and everyone applaud and laugh. Then, my parents ask my friend to play anothers composition of tango and classic music. Later some years, my violinst friend become to hare krishna and now he lives in a community i don´t know where, but i think he´s happy. My parents still married with 37 years together, three childrens (my two sisters and me), and two grandsons, Martin and Nicanor, my sisters get married and I still single, ja!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

walking around the beach...

Hi dear classmates:

A lake or beach: I´m from Valparaíso, so since I was a kid went to the beach, then, when i grow up, i spent so much time walking around the cost listen to music, i remember one day that i bough the Dark side of the moon of Pink Floyd and I went to linten it to the sea, like five times, and i did another things to inspired... but, the thing is that now, leaving in Santiago, I try to go walk from Reñaca to Con Con every time that i can, i went a few months ago and i think this sunday i will again, ther´s a beautifull walk and i made it in 3 hours, then, when i came to Con Con, i go to eat seafood empanadas and, like Simon, a couple of glass of wine, carmenere it´s my favorite. It´s like a hit of fresh air, silence and oxigen, last time I went with a good book about Nietzsche´s life and i sit to read every time i can. This sunday i will try to go again if don´t call me from my job, but maybe i will invite my parents to walk around with me, sometimes its good to go outside and forget all the constant pression of your class and job.

have a nice day

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

learn to do...

HI my dear clssmates:

                   I think the only thing in the all world that I want to do it´s paint, but paint well. I paint since a lot of years, but I think its more difficult every time. When I see a Monet work I say "when, when will I paint like him", or Renoir, maybe like Van Gogh, its hard every day try to paint and cannot be satisficed with your own production. Its only perseverance, maybe one day I will be happy with my paintings. I love music, classic music, but I never want to learn to play some instrument, I knew that I could not do, but paint... I saw a Matta´s expo since one year ago in La Moneda, their biggest paints, the power of his work in a canvas, the colours, the format, the pain in their subjects... I cannot belive what I saw that day, it was like a hard hit on my brain, I will never forget it. The thing is that I want to learn every day more about paint: history, techniques, great painters, movements... everything, Its hard when you realice that there´s just one thing that you really care, the all world doesn´t matter so much, except your dream.

This is one of my works, I hope you like, its oil on canvas, in the middle ther´s a musical partitures from a Chopin composition:

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias

Hi my new classmates:

I must to write about Fiestas Patrias, but sincerilly I HATE this f.. days. Why this strange relation between nationalism and alcohol?, millions of people drinkin as the world ends tomorrow. And I never, never! celebrate this party. Every year I try to work all this days in my job and don´t drink even a beer for the all week. I don´t watch T.V. and I try to stay at home reading a good book or just painting. Three years ago, on the Bicentenary celebration, I stay at home making a homework about italian architechture for four days, day and night. I think that the only good thing in this days is that you can walk trough an empty city, ther´s no cars and people dessapear from the streets and metro stations, it´s like a lot sundays in one week. Maybe this year I´m going to work the all week and in my free day i´ll try to walk around Santiago with a new book that I bough a few days ago, and if I can make some money, i´ll buy a bicycle. And I won´t travel to see my family in Valparaíso even, they know that I hate the 18, so they don´t really loose time invited me to celebrate with them.

I don´t know why, but the popular party that I really like ist the Holy Week, even I am agnostic. And the New Year in Valparaíso with my family, thats parties I really enjoy.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013



Well, as Ken says, some people must to think in movement, I must to think listen music and to write, Chopin its my favorite. Ken talks about three central points: Human creativity, children´s capacity and the unknow future, and in this particular case, the education as a primacy importance to the next generation. The questios is: are we doing the right on education? Thats where creativity have an important position, I like what he said about Picasso, something like the children born been an artist, but the educationt turn this out. I like the dance girl example he gave too, i´ll never forget: move to think. My nephew, he´s seven, have some conductual problems at his school and my sister think that maybe he needs some medical helps, but, afther watch this video (i gonna send her), maybe she change her mind i wish. I think Ken its have a right point of view when he says that the industrialism, demography and tecnology turn the world change since two hundred year ago, and now we live in a constant revolution and in this point its where must to reorganice the way we educate children. Its a complicated situation, but im very interstated on his poin of view and i gonna reach more about his works.

If you need to listen music to hink as me, i send you this Chopin´s compilation.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Larrain Palace

Hi my dear classmates:

            Today I´m gonna talk about a building that I like and I choose the Larraín Palace in Santiago and It is my own house! Yes, because there rent rooms for people, but just an special kind of people, like painters, photographers, tatoo artist, musicians... The place it´s gigant and have 75 rooms divided in three diferent houses, my own room it´s bigger than a normal apartment ´cause it has 60 mts², with two balconies and a beautifull view to the west, where I try to see the sunset everyday. In a normal day sunshine came trought my windows all day long.
             The bulding was built in 1913 and for celebrate the century, in the last six months the front was restore and paint, that was until the last week, and now it looks wonderfull. People use to call the bulding like The Titanic, for it´s gigant proportions. Between 1930 and 1970 the building was the french embassy in Chile. The french neoclassic architecture was use for the old wealthy families in Chile to expose their fortunes in the begining of twenty century, like many other palaces in Santiago like Concha y Toro, Cousiño, Undurraga, etc.
                Somedays, the place it´s rent for fashion shows or as a photograph studio, and it´s funny because sometime I get into the palace and ther´s a lot of beutifull models walking around, cameras and champagne. Also I live there because it remains me Valparaíso, and I always had live in old houses with biggest rooms.

You can visit Larraín Palace wherever you want if you ask me.


jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Pollock & Rothko

Jackson Pollock
It´s not easy for me to talk about my favorite piece of art, cause I have many favorites painters. But I can write about two painters that I really like, ther´s Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko, they´re the principal painters from the absract expressionism in twenty century. Pollock was born in the USA and died in a car crash drunk, his life was really sad. Rothko born in Estonia and went to USA when he was a child with his parents and brothers, he also died in a tragical situation when he commet suicide at 61. Pollock didn´t know how to draw and one day he put the canvas on the floor (very drunk) and start to launch colors without any order or plan. Then, he become famous when an important art dealer, Peggy Guggenheim, saw his work and get impress.
Mark Rothko was an alcoholic, violent and depress artist who never trust in his work, in fact, he commet suicide afther think that he will never make some good paintings. He always paint in biggest format, and ther´s many stories that in his exhibitions people start to cry in front of his works.

Mark Rothko
I don´t really remember when I saw their paintings, maybe when I was a child... but I get impress inmediatly... you cannot see anything, ther´s only colors in a abstract, but for me it´s very emotional thing. I hope that one closer day I can see their´s pictures in front of me.

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

BBC News around the world

Hi dear classmates:

Today I´m going to talk about some news that I saw on the BBC website. For example, they talk about an old japanese guy who went to the Everest mountain and become in the oldest man to reach the summit. Another news says that the ETA separatiste group made some protest and the spain police arrested two separatist in Valencia, the group wants the independence of the País Vasco from the Spain´s kindom domination. Some others groups around the world use terrorism as their method to make pression on their´s demands. Also, the people from the italian island of Cerdeña protest for their independence when the primer minister, Silvio Berlusoni, visit the island in 2009. In Nepal, police arrested near 30 students activist protesting against King for political reforming. In Cuba, one of the best knows activists, told the BBC the world had a moral duty to help the cuban dissidents, afther 54 years of comunist dictature.
In the same page, you can read testimonies of people around the world who told their own experience with some kind of local activism for diferent causes.

I´ll see you later.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


My experience as a worker it´s funny. When I was a kid, my dad had a Cinema enterprise, first in Chillan when he had just one, later in Valparaiso when he was in charge of ten cinemas. I started to learn how to install the movies in the movie machines, had you even see the Cinema Paradiso movie?, well, mi childhood was similar, beautifull memories. Then, in school vacations, I work in the cinema as assistant at twelve (with my first salary I buy a microscope). Then, when a get into the University, i start to job as a waiter in a pub in Viña, just like two years, I didn´t know anything, the name of the drinks or how to manipulate a tray... a couple of times the tray felt and broke everything... in between I start to paint and with a model we make a body paint shows in Valparaíso pub´s, that was really fun. Now, I work as a waiter again in Santiago, it´s funny too and you get a lot money, but I hope the next year can work and live selling my paintings and do something with my careere, History of Art. I start to study this because when I returnt from Buenos Aires I want to do something with my life, I decide to study here. One day, a couple of moths ago, in the restaurant when I work now, went to dinner this guy (the photo one), do you know him?

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The Wall

I think that the Roger Waters concert last year in Santiago was one of my best experience of all life. He made two concert and I went both, even, the second date, it was my sister´s wedding in Viña del Mar. She call me before the concert and say: "Ernesto, what´s more important for you: Pink Floyd or your sister?", and I answer, "...emm, emm... Pink Floyd dear sister, It´s important for me, I´m sorry...", and she say: "$%&="!@¡?" and  didn´t speak to me for five months, but the concert was great! I went with my best friend Piojo and his father. When the concert start I cannot belive what I was watching out, an airplain crashing with the audience, fireworks, and loud rock music from the best band ever. Then, a wall building between the band and the audience, a gigant pig flying up the people, crude images form war, destruction and missing people from the all world (in the break time they show a President Salvador Allende´s picture on the wall and the people start to clap their hands). In the second part of the show, they playing one of the best band´s songs, Comfortably Numb, and I swear that I see a lot of people crying and singing... "there´s no pain you´re receding, a distant ship smoke on the horizon..." , even me, I confess.

Ufff, it was a woderfull concert, a great moment and I will never forget it.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

My paint photos...

I quit my job since three months ago, I was workimg as a waiter in a very fine restaurant in Parque Arauco for three years, I love my job, but something told me that it was enough, so I quit. And now I dedicate my time for my passion, paint. I paint since I was a kid, the first things I paint was Pink Floyd´s drawings in public walls of Valparaíso, like The Wall ones or Dark Side, then I paint doors, lamposts and pillars, also paint bodies in streets carnavals and pubs, that was really funny experience, one day I paint a girl with a Piet Mondrian desing, it was so difficult and it takes me four hours to finish, other time I paint another girl in white with a japanese letters in black for all her body, it was beautifull. Now I decide dedicate to paint and try to sell my works, It´s hard but no impossible and I promise will not surrender.
Always people ask me: "who it´s your favorite painter", and I cannot answer. I like many painter for diferent reasons since Renaissance. But maybe it´s the abstract expressionism my favorite style with Ashley Gorky, Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko, this three painter died in tragical situation.
This photo was taken since two weeks ago in my place when I was painting, a friend takes this when we listen the Beethoven´s Ninth Symphony at loud, very loud. I like to paint with classic music, like Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven or Strauss, Mozart too, it´s more inspiring and relaxing.

I hope you like my photos.
Body paint


listen Beethoven

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

New slang

Arthur Schopenhauer
Yesterday I find a song... one week looking for it, I didn´t know the name or the band, I call to the Radio statiton even, but nothing, one week like an obssesion. But I found it, The Shins, New Slang, it´s call. That it´s one of the things that can change our days for a moment.
Schopenhauer say´s that
the torment of the world isn´t based on the great tragedies, but the daily absurd. One of my favorites painters is Edvard Munch, the expressionism father, he also read Schopenhauer too much. At the end of his life, he get lonely, sick and little mad. Nietzsche went crazy at 46, he says that his mentor was the old Schopenhauer too. He ied at 54 alone and lunatic in a psychiatric hospital in Germany. There´s a carved stone with a Borges poem outside the National Library in Santiago, one of the paragraph says: "Thanks I want to give God for Schopenhauer, who figure out the Universe at all". You can read it at Moneda street. More than a philosophy, his sistem it´s about how front life, with only the truth, cold and pesimist, Schopenhauer have become in one of the principal philosopher of the occidental world right now.

I hope you like the song... and try to found what´s Schopenhauer say´s about life.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Brave new world and others...

Aldous Huxley
My favoryte book (one of mines), it´s from a english writer, Aldous Huxley, and the book called Brave new World. It´s an future novel about a totalitary state who controlled the people since their born, with mental resources and drougs called "soma". It´s a metaphor of the new kind of power State in the 30 decade in Europe, specially in Germany and Italy (Huxley wrote it in Italy in 1932, only in four months). I found this book when I was a teen in a old bag of books of my dad, and I start to read inmediatly. I found another beautifull books like "Demian" of Hermann Hesse, "The Unbearable lightness of being" from Milan Kundera, "The fear of freedom" of the german psicoanalist Erich Fromm, and others. I take this four books and I read it just in one month, when you´re a seventeen yaers old, maybe it´s not a good idea. But something it´s very strange, I found and then read this four books at the same time and also their talk about the same think: freedom.

"I wanted to live what it born inside of me... but why it was so difficult?", from Demian.

You can read one of this books, anyone, and you´ll enjoy it.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

The Power of Word

Hi everyone:

                   This is my first note in a blog ever. I´m not to good with technology and computers, I preffer books, radio and magazines (in fact, I buy two every month, one of art: "Discover art", and the another one called "Today´s Philosophy", both are spanish publications, I recomended). But I have to write about my favorite web site. It´s a little dificult to me because I don´t use internet too much, but ther´s one spanish web site that I really like, it´s called The Power of Word,, is its spanish acronym. There you can find a diccionary of painters, musician, writers, poets, arquitechs and filmakers, with their own biography. Always when I want to learn about an artists or a writer, I go to this web site and I find what I need to know. Also biography, you cand find their works in a extract, photo or  audio. As example, I would like to show you a Wittgenstein´s biography, who I had been study on last weeks:
                 Sincerily, I don´t understand a word of his books, but I must to read his work twenty times if it´s neccesay to understand him as I want. Ludwig Wittgenstein, with Jean Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger, are the most importants philosophy of twenty century and I really intersted for their work.

                 I hope you like my favorite web site, remember:

Have a nice day,

Ernesto Lauga